G. Brock Williams
Texas Tech University
G. Brock Williams has taught at Texas Tech University (TTU) since 1999. In addition to his research in discrete conformal geometry, he is also heavily involved in several STEM Outreach projects, including the TTU Proactive Recruitment in Introductory Science and Mathematics (PRISM) program which aims to improve retention and recruiting by involving students in research.
At the Forum, I can offer our work on retention and recruiting undergrads using biomath research.
At the Forum, I am looking for ideas that others have found useful.

Joseph Wilson
Teach For America
Joseph P. Wilson ("Joey") is an engineer, educator, gay male, and STEM education advocate. He serves as the senior managing director of Teach For America's STEM Initiative, which serves to recruit diverse STEM educators, develop STEM advocates, and mobilize the STEM education community.
At the Forum, I can offer a large network of educators interested in Computer Science.
At the Forum, I am looking for support in scaling Computer Science programs.

Kathy Wright
Hughes STEM High School
Kathy D. Wright is the principal and chief learning officer at Hughes STEM High School in Cincinnati, Ohio. She has focused much of her career as a science educator and now as a building administrator, in developing and implementing rigorous STEM curriculum for all learners.
At the Forum, I can offer knowledge about a research-based urban STEM High School.
At the Forum, I am looking for more information on helping students transition to post-secondary.

Steven Zipkes
Advanced Reasoning In Education (ARIE)
Steven Zipkes is the founder and president of Advanced Reasoning In Education, llc. (Global PBL Academies) and the former founding principal (2006-2015) of the highly acclaimed and nationally recognized Manor New Technology High School.
At the Forum, I can offer proven practitioner redesigned systemic whole school STEM change for all.
At the Forum, I am looking for ideas to continued engaged STEM approaches to reach everyone.