Okhee Lee
New York University
Okhee Lee is a professor at New York University. Her research areas include science education, language and culture, and teacher education. She was the leader for the Next Generation Science Standards Diversity and Equity Team and a steering committee member of the Understanding Language Initiative at Stanford University.
At the Forum, I can offer language-focused 3-dimensional science instructional materials.
At the Forum, I am looking for all standards for all students, including English language learners.

Chris Lehmann
Science Leadership Academy / School District of Philadelphia
Chris Lehmann is the founding principal of the Science Leadership Academy, chair of Inquiry Schools and the assistant superintendent of the Innovative Schools Network for the School District of Philadelphia. He is co-author of the book, Building School 2.0: How to Create the Schools We Need.
At the Forum, I can offer whole school solutions on inquiry-driven, project-based learning.
At the Forum, I am looking for collaborations and new models of STEM learning.

Sharon Lynch
The George Washington University
Sharon Lynch, a professor at The George Washington University, conducts research on policy-relevant STEM education issues of underrepresented students, seeking STEM opportunity structures in Next Generation inclusive STEM schools. She was program director for NSF Education and Human Resources (EHR) and president of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST). She is principal investigator on the NSF-funded OSPrI study.
At the Forum, I can offer cross-case analysis and logic model for inclusive STEM high schools.
At the Forum, I am looking for new ideas and advice on how to proceed with this line of work.

Joyce Malyn-Smith
Education Development Center, Inc.
Joyce Malyn-Smith, Ed.D., is the principal investigator for the NSF-funded STEM+C project, partnering with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to integrate computational thinking into K-6 curriculum in Massachusetts. She leads a 20+ year body of work at Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC), focusing on STEM career and workforce development.
At the Forum, I can offer STEM career/workforce development models with project examples.
At the Forum, I am looking for agency interests and trends in STEM career/workforce development.

Barbara Means
SRI Education
Barbara Means studies efforts to revitalize schools and classrooms by supporting deeper learning. Currently, she leads a multi-state longitudinal study of the effectiveness of inclusive STEM high schools seeking to prepare students from groups underrepresented in STEM for STEM college majors.
At the Forum, I can offer results from our study of inclusive STEM high schools.
At the Forum, I am looking for opportunities to learn about related research.

Chad Milner
The Young People's Project
Chad Milner currently serves as the national director of Technology, Media & Communications for The Young People’s Project (YPP). In his current role, he manages technical and communications needs for 8 YPP sites nationwide and is the principal investigator of the National Science Foundation research grant, “Bridging Math and Media Literacy.” Chad is an Algebra Project alumnus, a graduate of Stanford University, and has been involved with YPP since the late nineties.
At the Forum, I can offer informal community-based STEM learning.
At the Forum, I am looking for information and inspiration on innovative STEM education models.