Tom Moher
University of Illinois at Chicago
Tom Moher is a computer scientist and learning scientist. His research has focused on the use of emergent technologies to support collaborative inquiry in elementary science classrooms through novel uses of classroom time and space. He is known as author of the "Embedded Phenomena" design framework.
At the Forum, I can offer technologies for transforming elementary classrooms into objects of inquiry.
At the Forum, I am looking for new ways to leverage the emergent "Classroom of Things".

Jan Mokros
Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance
Jan Mokros is a senior research scientist at the Maine Math and Science Alliance (MMSA), and principal investigator for the NSF-funded “STEM Guides” project, which develops community STEM ecosystems in rural regions. She is co-director of MMSA’s Reach Center for promoting STEM talent in 10-18 year olds.
At the Forum, I can offer information about how to reach rural students in out-of-school settings.
At the Forum, I am looking for information about "trajectories" for STEM learning that involve only Out-of-School Time (OST).

Tamara Moore
Purdue University
Tamara J. Moore, Ph.D., is an associate professor of engineering education at Purdue University. Her research is centered on the integration of STEM concepts in K-12 and postsecondary classrooms in order to help students make connections among the STEM disciplines and achieve deep understanding.
At the Forum, I can offer research on curriculum development and theory building for STEM integration.
At the Forum, I am looking for additional ideas for how the STEM subjects should integrate.

Sarah Morgan
University of Southern Mississippi
Sarah Morgan joined the University of Southern Mississippi's Polymer Science and Engineering Department in 2002 after a 14 year career in industrial research and development at General Electric. Her research focuses on surfaces and interfaces of polymers and bio-inspired materials. She is principal investigator of NSF projects in the Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) and Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) programs and is co-principal investigator of an NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) project.
At the Forum, I can offer successful practices to integrate research into the high school classroom.
At the Forum, I am looking for practices to engage students.

Teresa Mourad
Ecological Society of America
Teresa Mourad is the director of Education and Diversity Programs at the Ecological Society of America. She enjoys developing partnerships, building capacity for diversity, promoting professional development of educators, and broadening participation of new audiences in ecology education.
At the Forum, I can offer insight on how to engage and retain minority students in science.
At the Forum, I am looking for insight on creating collective impact.

Mary Nelson
STUDENTfacturED, Salt Lake Community College
Mary L. Nelson, Ph.D, has been with the internship program and InnovaBio™Contract Research Organization (CRO) since 2009. She served as the assistant director and was promoted to director in 2013. In 2014, she also became the principal investigator on the NSF Advanced Technological Education (ATE) grant (DUE Award #1003292) supporting the contract manufacturing organization (CMO) STUDENTfacturED®.
At the Forum, I can offer expertise in operating a CXO as a workforce training program.
At the Forum, I am looking for competency based education models for science education.